For your convenience, all of our services are provided online.
Individual Sessions—Psychotherapy, individual counseling, or life coaching
Focused: 1 weekly session (most common)
Intensive or Crisis: 2 weekly sessions (may also require the addition of one or more between-session phone check-ins if there are safety issues involved)
Deep Dive: 2 to 4 weekly sessions (for those who want to deeply explore relational issues or personality structure, gain transformative insight into the self, or experience quicker results; Erekson, Lambert, & Eggett, 2015)
Slow and Steady: 1 session every other week (typically for simpler cases/issues, or for those transitioning to a maintenance phase)
Maintenance: 1 session per month or as needed (for those who would like to continue growing after meeting all goals, have continued support while navigating a life transition, or for those at high risk for symptom relapse)
Dr. Carey Incledon: $325 (50 minutes)
Dr. Cathy Evangelatos: $195 (50 minutes)
Shorter or longer sessions are prorated based on the 50-minute fee
Comprehensive Biopsychosocial/Psychiatric Evaluation (the "Intake Assessment")
Required before starting individual or group psychotherapy
Includes a thorough evaluation, analysis of results, and formal treatment planning
​Dr. Carey Incledon: $350 (55 minutes) Dr. Cathy Evangelatos: $225 (55 minutes)
Group Sessions—Group psychotherapy, personal growth groups, skills classes
Fee varies by group
Gottman Method Couples Therapy (Dr. Carey only)
Assessment Phase*:
Step I: Initial Assessment (Both Partners; 80 minutes)
Step II: Individual Assessments (Partner #1; 50 minutes and Partner #2; 50 minutes)
Step III: Assessment Feedback (Both Partners; 80 minutes)
*The Assessment Phase can be completed in a single day (Steps I, II, and III in one 5 hour meeting with a break), over two different days (Steps I and II on one day, and Step III on another day), or it can be broken up into 4 separate meetings.
Intervention Phase (all treatment sessions after Assessment completion):
During this phase, sessions are typically 80-minutes, once per week. However, some couples seeking help with a targeted issue can work within a 50-minute time frame.
Marathon sessions (i.e., 2-6 hour time blocks) are also available for those who would like more intensive, extended sessions that allow for deeper work and quicker results. Time blocks of 3+ hours are offered on Mondays and some weekends, for your convenience.
$325 (50 minute sessions)
$520 (80 minute sessions)
Shorter or longer sessions are prorated based on the 50-minute fee
Between-Session Contact
​ Fee prorated in 15-minute increments
Letters and Form Completion
Fee prorated in 30-minute increments
Other Services—Time spent performing any other service that you request, deemed clinically necessary for your care, or required by State or Federal law
These services include telephone conversations, texts, emails, consulting with other professionals, preparation of records, documentation, treatment summaries, discharge summaries.
Fee prorated in 15-minute increments
Legal Fees
Please note that if you become involved in legal proceedings that require our time, or if we become involved in any disputes or legal proceedings related to you or your case, you will be responsible for all time involved and rendered, according to this fee schedule. Note that these fees apply even if your psychologist receives a subpoena to provide testimony and/or documents or is called to testify for another party.
$1000/hour for any or all preparation and transportation time in addition to any costs related to transportation (e.g., parking fees), with a minimum of 30 minutes.
$1500/hour for depositions or trial time, including wait time with a minimum of 3-hours