Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Manage conflict productively
Learn to love after an affair
Plan an amicable break-up/divorce
Eliminate factors that predict divorce
Learn to calm yourself and your partner during an argument

​Strengthen our friendship
Express fondness and admiration
Improve communication
Build a close, supportive friendship

Enhance sexual satisfaction
Create shared meaning
Sustain trust and commitment
Become an expert listener
Pre-marital counseling
Couples who feel connected, are supportive, and treat each other with consideration, are much more likely to have intimate, satisfying relationships.
Dr. Carey is a Certified Gottman Therapist
This means she has completed advanced training in the application of Gottman Method Couples Therapy, including all three standard Gottman classes (i.e., Level 1, Level 2, Level 3), as well as the Gottman Institute’s Treating Affairs and Trauma and Couples and Addiction Recovery courses. It also means that Dr. Carey learned to skillfully apply that training by regularly working with a Senior Certified Gottman Therapist who reviewed videos of her actual couples sessions for a two-year period while coaching her to hone her use of the Gottman Method. Only a few hundred therapists in the world have ever successfully completed this certification process.
The Gottman Method involves customizing principles developed from scientific research to each couple’s particular patterns and challenges.

About Gottman Method Couples Therapy
Dr. John Gottman, a Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Washington, entered the field of psychological research with a background in advanced mathematics and statistical analysis. In the course of his 40+ year career he has developed mathematical models, scales, and formulas to identify the elements of stability in relationships and the interactive patterns that cause couples to divorce. Gottman was drawn to this research topic due to his own puzzlement at how people develop happy relationships. From this research, Drs. John and Julie Gottman have created a method of therapy that emphasizes a "nuts-and-bolts" approach to improving clients' relationships.
Gottman’s studies pointed to relationship difficulties caused by the “Four Horsemen,” named after the famous Albrecht Durer engraving: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

​CRITICISM--blaming a relationship problem on your partner's personality flaws
CONTEMPT--combining criticism of your partner with descriptions of your own superiority and disgust with your partner
DEFENSIVENESS--defending against your partner's criticism or contempt by either denying any responsibility for the problem, acting like an innocent victim, or counter-attacking your partner by criticizing him or her while ignoring his or her complaints
STONEWALLING--shutting down completely and refusing to offer any verbal or non-verbal responses to your partner's statements (may be accompanied by being physiologically in a flight-or-fight state)
Couples who function effectively treat each other with consideration and are supportive of each other.

The goals of the Gottman Method include:
Increasing closeness and friendship behaviors
Expressing fondness and admiration of each other
Addressing conflict productively
Learning to effectively compromise
Building and maintaining trust and commitment
Creating a life of shared meaning together
Our services are available by secure, HIPAA-compliant video meetings (called "telehealth" sessions). Gottman couples sessions are particularly well-suited to the telehealth format because the Gottman Method is "dyadic" in nature. That means that you and your partner spend most of the sessions sitting next to each other and talking between yourselves while the therapist coaches
you from his/her office.
Click here to learn how to have a
successful telehealth session.
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